[governance] Muti-stakeholder Group structure (some ideas)

Avri Doria avri at psg.com
Sun Jun 10 10:26:34 EDT 2007

On 10 jun 2007, at 15.52, Parminder wrote:

> for some people who struck their neck out to do something for  
> pulbic interest.

does this mean that there was a group decision to release the email?   
if so, in the spirit of transparency of public groups, would it be  
possible to know those who were part of sticking their necks out for  
the public interest?  is there email which can be released where this  
disclosure was discussed?  if this was not a breach of netiquette but  
a proud act of heroic activism, then we should recognize all of the  
people who took a chance for the public interest.

> You don’t think it is  a civil society issue ???

question of semantics here.

It has been made a issue by some part of civil society, so in that  
respect, yes, it is a civil society issue.

on the other hand, is it one of the important issues that needs to be  
discussed in terms of Internet governance for development or policies  
for enabling access for all? i don't think so.  does it contribute  
toward developing CS initiated multistakeholder workshop proposals  
for Rio?  i don't think so.  does it even begin to develop the topics  
CS would like to see discussed as part of the Critical Internet  
Resources theme that is now on the agenda?  again, i don't think so.

as I said, i see it as tantalizing fluff, kind of like a good story  
in the tabloid press - juicy and full of intrigue but signifying  
nothing.  but that is just my personal opinion.


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