[governance] Muti-stakeholder Group structure (some ideas)
Michael Leibrandt
michael_leibrandt at web.de
Fri Jun 1 10:02:00 EDT 2007
Milton and others,
The question is if this "cutting into slices" actually keeps up with the changes we face in the Web 2.0 world. Actually, the big chunks itself become multistakeholder groups. Different from the industrial age, more and more people play multiple, cross-constituency roles, especially with regard to the traditional distinction between who is on the supply side of the economy and who is on the demand side. I have seen civil society people acting as camouflaged business lobbyists. I have seen private sector people who enjoy so much freedom that they could best be described as civil society characters. Inclusive democratic governments usually don't have their own stakes, but come up with positions that are a mixture of national/regional civil society and private sector positions. International organisations at least partially open up to non-governmental actors; even the ITU positions - taking into account the sector members voice - are no longer pristine governmental.
So we no longer have three distinct stakeholder groups - or "categories of actors", as Bertrand better describes it. The logical result is that in all non-negotiating fora, were there are no legal issues around accountability, liability etc, we're back to individuals. Instead of counting heads we should open up our minds and start nominating/supporting capable people even if they formally belong to what in the old days might have been seen as the "wrong" constituency.
Michael, Berlin
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