[governance] Rio workshop proposal on "Internet Identity Management"
Ralf Bendrath
bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Jun 30 18:07:29 EDT 2007
FYI, this is what I have also submitted on my own. It of course builds on
the work of the privacy coalition, but is "only" an open workshop proposal.
Best, Ralf
Question 1: Provide a concise formulation for the proposed workshop theme.
"Internet Identity Management"
Question 2: Provide the Name of the Organizer(s) of the workshop and their
Affiliation to various stakeholder groups. Describe how you will take
steps to adhere to the multi-stakeholder principle, including geographical
Ralf Bendrath, Dynamic Coalition on Privacy / University of Bremen
The organizer is a facilitator of the IGF dynamic coalition on privacy.
The Privacy Coalition consists of more than 60 members from all
stakeholder groups and all world regions. The organizer will work with
other stakeholders and make sure that the final program and list of
presenters reflect this diversity.
The organizer submits this workshop proposal as an open workshop.
Question 3: Why do you think the proposed theme is important?
2007 is by many considered as the year when internet identity management
is finally becoming "the next big thing". A diversity of actors is heavily
working on products and standards for online authentication and identity
management, including companies like Microsoft, Sun, and Oracle, free
software and open standards groups like Eclipse and the Identity Gang, and
standards bodies like the W3C, ISO, the IETF, and the ITU. Governments and
international bodies like the EU and the OECD are also working on this in
the context of e-government or cyber-security.
While these technologies are being developed and rolled out, and policies
being developed, a public debate on the large-scale implications of
internet identity management and identification is largely missing.
Critical aspects here include, but are not limited to: online privacy,
internet zoning and neutrality, security.
The IGF is an important venue for advancing this debate, because the
emerging identity standards are global standards, and the IGF has a
mandate to address emerging issues and the related public policy aspects.
Question 4: Describe the workshop’s conformity with the Tunis Agenda in
terms of substance and the mandate of the IGF.
The proposed workshop is in line with the Tunis agenda, especially with
* paragraph 39 ("confidence and security in the use of ICTs by
strengthening the trust framework"),
* paragraph 42 ("measures undertaken to ensure Internet stability and
security, to fight cybercrime and to counter spam, must protect and
respect the provisions for privacy and freedom of expression"),
* paragraph 46 ("ensure respect for privacy and the protection of personal
information and data"),
* paragraph 72g ("emerging issues").
Question 5: Provide the Name and Affiliation of the panellists you are
planning to invite.
The list is not finalized yet, I am still working on this. Contacts have
been made with relevant actors in this field, including representatives
from Microsoft, Credentica, the Burton Group, Verisign, the EU PRIME
Project, the Identity Commons Working Group, and the Council of Europe.
Question 6: Describe the main actors in the field. Have you approached
them and asked whether they would be willing to participate in proposed
See answer to question 5.
Question 7: List similar events you have organized in the past.
I have organized a number of conferences and workshops on issues related
to privacy and security on the internet, including the two privacy
workshops at the IGF in 2006. On internet identity management, I have
organized panels and workshops at three international conference within
the last 6 months (23C3, CFP, ID Workshop in Bremen), as well as the
workshops of the dynamic coalition on privacy that discussed internet
identity in February and May 2007.
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