[governance] IGF proposals on IGC wiki

Meryem Marzouki marzouki at ras.eu.org
Sun Jul 1 12:08:39 EDT 2007

Hi Karen and all,

Le 1 juil. 07 à 16:06, karen banks a écrit :

> I've just added the *8* proposals posted the list to date to the  
> wiki robert created for the IGF some time ago (thanks for that robert)

Thanks for this. Parminder's workshop ("Governance of Critical  
Internet Resources - Exploring Commons and Public
Interest Based Frameworks") seems to be missing on the wiki.

Regarding the IGC workshop, I haven't had the opportunity to react on  
time. I hope that this consensual version will provide room to  
discuss the need for an assessment of the overall process.

> you'll need to create your own login details before you can access  
> pages (i assume)

It seems that login is not required to access or even edit pages.

> (and no giggling meryem!)

Advice from a venerable member of the giggling club:)

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