[governance] Re: Appeals Team Nomination - web page now open - waiting for YOU!
Jeremy Malcolm
Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au
Mon Jan 15 19:51:34 EST 2007
Izumi AIZU wrote:
> Dear list,
> So far not too many people have been nominated for the Appeals Team.
> It can be self-nomination, but you can also nominate someone
> you think is the good candidate. We need at least 10 names.
I may as well throw my hat into the ring then.
Some of you met me in Athens. I have been involved in IG since joining
the boards of ISOC-AU in 2001 and the Western Australian Internet
Association in 2000 (though I don't toe the ISOC party line on the IGF).
I also chair a co-regulatory taskforce that drafted the Australian
Internet Industry Spam Code last year, since registered with the
Australian Communications and Media Authority.
I have completed four chapters of a PhD thesis on the IGF which is at
http://www.malcolm.id.au/thesis/, and before that I was a self-employed
specialist IT lawyer and IT consultant. I'm managing another IT
business on a part-time basis while I'm studying.
I am about to launch, with some other interested parties, an Online
Collaboration Dynamic Coalition, and have just finished off a draft Web
site for it at http://igf2006.info/wiki/IGF-OCDC. I also run the
http://igfwatch.org/ site.
I've previously been on the committees of some other civil society
Internet organisations including the Australian Public Access Network
Association and Electronic Frontiers Australia, as well some more
general IT associations such as the Society of Linux Professionals WA
and the WA Society for Computers and the Law.
Off the top of my head, a few of my beliefs are:
* "Governments will never agree to it" is no excuse
* DNS is not the most important IG issue
* Transnational public policy issues are no longer the sole province
of governments
* Process is key, because it shapes expectations and power relations
* A key factor in making the IGF more accessible is to make online
participation equivalent to attendance in person
* The structure of an Internet governance organisation should reflect
the cultural values of the Internet
My full resume is at
http://www.malcolm.id.au/files/documents/personal/resume.pdf, but if
anyone has any questions feel free to ask me.
Jeremy Malcolm LLB (Hons) B Com
Internet and Open Source lawyer, IT consultant, actor
host -t NAPTR|awk -F! '{print $3}'
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