[governance] Re: Appeals Team Nomination - web page now open - waiting for YOU!

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Mon Jan 15 10:17:13 EST 2007

Dear list,

So far not too many people have been nominated for the Appeals Team.

It can be self-nomination, but you can also nominate someone
you think is the good candidate. We need at least 10 names.

Please consider and send the nomination to the list as soon
as possible!  It is important for all of us.



2007/1/11, Izumi AIZU <aizu at anr.org>:
> Thanks to Avri's always clean work, we now have the web page to list
> all those nominations for Appeal Team.
> http://www.igcaucus.org/IGC-candidates-2007-AT.html
> And Jeremy took the first, thank you!
> Jeremy, could you send the "statement" to the list shortly?
> How about others?  Please.
> izumi

                      >> Izumi Aizu <<

             Institute for HyperNetwork Society
             Kumon Center, Tama University
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