[governance] Action on Enhanced Cooperation, please
Jeanette Hofmann
jeanette at wz-berlin.de
Tue Jan 9 12:25:22 EST 2007
Yes, this is very good. I can already foresee some red faces among the
EU member states hissing that "enhanced cooperation" is _their_ process
and that civil society has got nothing to do with it... provided there
is indeed any process going on. I still doubt that.
Milton Mueller wrote:
> very good modifications. great.
>>>> drake at hei.unige.ch 1/9/2007 11:21 AM >>>
> In particular, we would very much welcome information on a) any
> discussions and consultations that have been held with governments and
> other stakeholders on the substance and modalities of enhanced
> cooperation, and b) the plans for beginning to involve civil society in
> the process per the clear mandate in paragraph 71 of the Tunis Agenda.
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