[governance] Action on Enhanced Cooperation, please

Milton Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Mon Jan 8 20:18:31 EST 2007

>>> ajp at glocom.ac.jp 12/28/2006 4:17 AM >>>
>Any thoughts on writing to Nitin Desai asking for an update on 
>enhanced cooperation?  And working on statements/contributions to the

>February consultation? (about 6 weeks away.)

I strongly agree with Adam that this is a desirable thing. Enhanced
cooperation, no matter how bullshit a formulation it is, was supposed to
be one of the key outcomes of WSIS, and represents a critical point of
contention between EU and USA. 

There are (legitimate) worries about governments being passive watchers
of IGF "shows", expressed by Jeanette earlier. Enhanced coop is one of
the few areas where state politics can intersect with post-WSIS Forum
politics. At worst, making this inquiry may also bring us face to face
with the possible truth that the govts have no intention of doing
anything and are playing games with WSIS/IGF. If so, we need to call
their bluff

Where are our coordinators? Wouldn't it be appropriate for them to
initiate action on this, e.g. develop a draft? 

Adam has already laid out the basic outlines of what needs to be said:

>a letter asking for 
>progress/update, why aren't we being told, and we would like to be 
>involved. And cc'ing govt and others we know interested to see if 
>they will also then ask the same questions might be helpful.

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