AW: [governance] Enhanced cooperation

Jeanette Hofmann jeanette at
Mon Jan 8 10:59:46 EST 2007

Hi Wolfgang,

is this really worth it? Why disturbing the funeral? Enhanced 
cooperation seems such a dead horse...

Wolfgang Kleinwächter wrote:
> Vittorio: It seems that many governments are now interpreting
> "enhanced cooperation" as "a slightly reformed GAC inside ICANN.
> Wolfgang: There is great and growing confusion, fueled by the ITU 102
> Resolution. It would make sense to produce a one or two page paper
> what CS (the Caucus) thinks about "EC". Madame Redings interpretation
> in Athens was, that this is a "governmental only" process which is
> the core of the issue while the IGF is more or less the
> "environment". But the Tunis text allows much broader
> interpretations. Even within the EU not everybody shares the position
> of the Commissioner. And David Gross shaked his head when Reding made
> this statement in Athens. Before other fill explicitly the empty
> space, we should make our voice heard. Probably this will contribute
> - for the moment - to the general confusion but this is better than
> to accept a one sided interpretation and a turn into the wrong
> direction. It can stimulate discussion.
> Best regards
> w
> [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a]]<----- 
>  <- Prima o poi... 
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