[governance] The result of Appeal Team selection

Jeremy Shtern jeremy.shtern at umontreal.ca
Wed Feb 7 21:57:32 EST 2007

Hi everyone,

This is just a quick thank you to Izumi for his stewardship of the 
Appeal Team selection process, to the members of the Nomcom for their 
time and effort and to everyone who took the time to write up nomination 

If and when called upon to execute the duties of this position I look 
forward to collaborating with the other Appeal Team members.

Kind Regards,

Jeremy Shtern


Researcher: the media at McGill unit for critical communication studies 


PhD candidate (ABD): Université de Montréal, département de communication


jeremy.shtern at umontreal.ca <mailto:jeremy.shtern at umontreal.ca>



Izumi AIZU wrote:
> Dear list,
> Sorry for a slight dealy to announce the result, I hoped to
> finalize it by the extended deadline of Feb 6, yesterday,
> but we had some communication problem and could not
> get one final confirmation.
> Anyway, here is the result:
> The following five individuals are selected as the Appeals Team members:
> Name    Region    Gender
> Rishi Chawla,  Asia,   M
> Willie Currie,  Africa,     M
> Avri Doria,     North America/Europe, F
> Nnenna Nwaknma,  Africa,  F
> Jeremy Shtern,  North America, M
> Congratulations for the selected members, and thank you for all the
> contributions and the support from all of our Caucus friends,
> especially to all those who were nominated and accepted it, and to
> Avri Doria, without whose dedication, it would not be possible.
> Finally, it was a good learning opportunity for us all, and it was fun
> for me indeed.
> izumi
> I also attache the Chair's report as RTF file.




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