[governance] RE: GeoTLD
Avri Doria
avri at psg.com
Thu Dec 27 11:28:58 EST 2007
Wow. I am impressed with the propaganda.
Really i am - i think displays of propaganda are an art form - things
that should be viewed and studied per se.
ICANN -> Stalinist Soviet Union
Multiple Roots -> with the vaccination against smallpox or the
creation of Internet.
With the authority St Aquinas brought in as a bolstering argument.
Well done!
Note: even the use of 'consistent root' as opposed to' single root' is
propaganda speech. They really are logically the same thing. Just
one is a way of saying we need a mechanism other then ICANN to keep
the root consistent. And in this analysis the free market is named
as the better mechanism. I am not sure we all agree that the so
called 'free market' is the best way to resolve issues of resource
On 27 Dec 2007, at 02:19, Karl Auerbach wrote:
> In most of the world a new brand of laundry detergent does not apply
> to the Worldwide Ministry of Soap for approval. That kind of idea
> was tried in numerous 5-year plans in the old USSR and nobody has
> ever said that that was a system that was responsive to user needs.
> Rather, a new brand of laundry detergent must fight to build its
> brand (name recognition) and obtain space on the shelves of stores.
> There is no reason why TLD creation must occur using the model of a
> top-down planned economy (the ICANN method) rather than a
> competitive economy in which user choice ultimately determines
> success and failure.
On 27 Dec 2007, at 04:58, Karl Auerbach wrote:
> The fact that relatively few competing root systems exist today is
> not, at least not to me, a very strong argument, much less a
> persuasive or compelling argument.
> Once upon a time - back in the 1970's - the telcos incessantly
> whined that the only way to do data networking was through the use
> of switched circuits, and their "big new thing", ISDN, and that
> those of us at UCLA, Lincoln Labs, Rand, and SDC ought to forget
> this new "alternative view of reality" called packet switching.
> The number of people who used that "alternative view" easily could,
> and sometimes did, fit into a single university classroom.
> Yet in the fullness of time that "alternative view of reality"
> became today's internet.
> At one time it seemed like an insane idea to intentionally infect
> people with a mild disease (cowpox) as a means to prevent a much
> worse disease (smallpox). Yet today, largely based on what was once
> considered an insane idea, the world is nearly (and perhaps really)
> relieved of what was once a terrible thing.
> The argument of the IETF and IAB is almost entirely one based solely
> on their position as authority rather than sound, testable technical
> arguments. This brings to mind the wisdom of Thomas Aquinas (1225–
> 1274): Locus ab auctoritate .. est infirmissimus. (The argument
> from authority is the weakest form of argument.)
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