[governance] What Will Happen [@ NARALO/ALAC/CCNSO?]

Carlos Afonso ca at rits.org.br
Sun Dec 16 09:07:38 EST 2007

Hi Judith, how can we get the articles you mention?

fraternal regards


Judith Oppenheimer wrote:
> You asked about ATT billing, in our case it is separate; our home phone is part of a cable package with time warner via roadrunner, I think, for phone/broadband/cable. We purchase cell service separately.
> Neustar is a whole different ball of wax.  I do have on ICBtollfree.com an article quoting Neustar, I believe, from a few years back, that pretty much describes what you're talking about below, more or less.  
> I have a lot of articles on ENUM.
> Judith
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
> -----Original Message-----
> From: yehudakatz at mailinator.com
> Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 10:10:03 
> To:governance at lists.cpsr.org
> Subject: Re: Re: [governance] What Will Happen [@ NARALO/ALAC/CCNSO?]
> Ok, I understood your point.
>> One can not assign "a unique ENUM" any more than one can build a home
>> firewall/router and assign it unique IP address or build a mobile phone and
>> at the factory assign it a unique telephone number.
> My view is that Manufactures will purchase “blocks of addresses” from Nuestar, 
> then as Deveices are produced, each one is assigned/registered an address. 
>> but for mappings in which the same target "number" is mapped to different real
>> targets based on the requirements of the initiating device, that gets into a
> land >where "plug and play" is going to be foreign concept.
> Essentially the EMUN replaces the Serial Number of the Device. 
> The Device has its own ‘emmbeded signature’ which is used for cross
> verification,
> along with the Factory installed EMUN. This makes it easier to "plug and play"
> in the Market.
> Life-in-the-Future Example:  
> Google makes the gPhone, it is manufactured with a ‘embedded signature – ID’,
> and near the end of the production-line the ENUM is installed from a list of
> pre-purchased addresses from Nuestar.
> It’s packaged and sent off, it eventually ends up in a vending machine at San
> Francisco International Airport. Soon after a Person see’s it and purchases it.
> They stick their Credit/Debit card into the Machine and out comes the gPhone. 
> Ok so-far, so-good.
> Now, at the time of purchase, either the Buyers ‘registration Information’ is
> taken from their Credit Card or they ‘register’ the device later. The
> registration requires the Persons’: Home Phone Number (PSTN-Carrier Info),
> Billing Address, Account#, ... what ever the Purchaser wants to associate that
> Device with (Business or Home) and get their Bill. The embedded signature ID
> and factory installed enum are used to verify and authenticate the device with
> the User.
> Now we have a Device in the hands of the User, that has its own enum, it is
> associated to the User’s base information.
> (Maybe by then your ‘Phone-Bill’ will be consolidated: Home Phone, Business
> Phone, Cell Phones, ENUM-devices ).
> And , your Home Phone number will still be: 1.415 555.1212 , 
> along with your .US web enumber: http://1.415 555.1212.US 
> (this is the Alpha Numeric expression, the Domain associated with your EMUN)
> Your actual Home eNUM may look like this: .<some designated
> base> 
> So the normal Router assignments (addressing, firewall etc.) can be handled
> with this.
> And the User's Enum-Enabled-Devices (i.e.: gPhone etc.) are all associated. 
> In summary: One's PSTN Phone Number & ENUM become the base-referance,
> to which assignemnts are made.
> But of course this is handled by Nuestar’s UltraDNS Corporation, that will
> host, operate and manage the DNS zone server system for all this.
> All Connected, That's my Nuestar-Enum veiw of the future.
> __
> Nuestar:  http://www.circleid.com/members/1582/posts
> --
> P.S.:  Judith
>> Sent via *BlackBerry* by AT&T
> How is the Billing done at AT&T, is it consolidated 
> (Home Phone, Cell Phones, BlackBerry … Packaged)
> I wonder how this backend is handled. It's probably something similar to my
> explanation, only based upon associations with One’s Public Switched Telephone
> Network Number	(PSTN - Phone Number).
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