[governance] Re: Veni's diatribe

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Sun Apr 22 18:37:42 EDT 2007

At 12:46 4/22/2007  -0400, Milton Mueller wrote:
>Wow, this is interesting. Ad hominem attacks, inaccurate
>rumor-mongering, and some evident anger.

Just the second sentence, Milton, and the 14th word you wrote, and 
it's the typical you. Again, you express opinion. You don't ask, 
"Veni, are you angry?", but you asume...oh, no - you believe you know I am.
I even don't feel any need to read further.
I've said what I wanted to say; if what I wrote made you reach yet 
another of your opinions, then we are (again) not in the discussion 
field. I am not discussing anything with people who don't need a discussion.

Veni Markovski

check also my blog:

The opinions expressed above are those of the author,
not of any organizations, associated with or related to
the author in any given way.

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