[governance] .xxx. igc and igf
Carlos Afonso
ca at rits.org.br
Tue Apr 10 17:44:24 EDT 2007
By the way, a proposal for ICANN to start discussing its transformation
into an international organization should start soon, I hope, as an
incisive recommendation by the [ICANN] President's Strategic Committee
presented in Lisbon's public forum. This in good part results from an
international perception of this necessity generated by the WSIS process.
I am one who believes that IGF could generate recommendations which will
be eventually listened to as well.
Parminder wrote:
> Hi Vittorio
> Before addressing your question
>> Just for clarification - which are the "many constituencies that can't
>> access its present structures.
> I am inclined to go to the second part of your email which surprises me,
> though I know it is well intentioned.
>> I think that it might be more productive to actually involve more CS
>> folks in ICANN, than just try to discuss ICANN at the IGF (even if you
>> succeeded in winning the resistence to that, what would happen after the
>> discussion?
>> --
> Since when have we begun to take note of resistance of any organization
> before discussing it at IGF or elsewhere. Do you think a China or an Iran
> (or taking all those countries to whom content regulation issues are mostly
> addressed as a single unit) are not resistant to our discussing their
> conduct vis a vis content regulation at IGF. But there were any number of
> workshops on this issue, and a good amount of discussion in plenaries.
> To drive the point harder, did we not discuss Tunisia so much at WSIS
> despite its resistance?
> As for
>> what would happen after the
>> discussion?
> What would happen after discussion on free expression, content regulation or
> an internet bill of rights at IGF ??? All these are realms in which (mostly)
> governments are exclusive authorities.
>> I really don't see feasible any political scenario in which
>> ICANN would take directions from the IGF.).
> But do you see a political scenario where these countries will take
> directions from the IGF.
> Why such special considerations to ICANN. Why would one shield ICANN from
> IGF? I am not able to understand this at all.
> Who made the rule that we will be discussing only those organizations/
> institutions at IGF who are not resistant to such discussions? And only say
> such things to organizations which we already know they are keen to heed.
> Parminder
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Vittorio Bertola [mailto:vb at bertola.eu]
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:44 PM
>> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; Parminder
>> Subject: Re: [governance] .xxx. igc and igf
>> Parminder ha scritto:
>>> (2) Call for a forum within IGF to discuss ICANN - to have ICANN
>>> interface with and be accountable to the many constituencies (which by
>>> far makes the majority of the world's population) which cant access its
>>> present structures.
>> Just for clarification - which are the "many constituencies that can't
>> access its present structures"? There are at least a couple of places
>> where civil society groups can become involved in ICANN.
>> I think that it might be more productive to actually involve more CS
>> folks in ICANN, than just try to discuss ICANN at the IGF (even if you
>> succeeded in winning the resistence to that, what would happen after the
>> discussion? I really don't see feasible any political scenario in which
>> ICANN would take directions from the IGF.). At the last ICANN meeting,
>> between known faces scattered in corridors, there were talks of a fixed
>> civil society meeting on the last day of every ICANN meeting - that
>> might be a good point to start, for example.
>> --
>> vb. Vittorio Bertola - vb [a] bertola.eu <--------
>> --------> finally with a new website at http://bertola.eu/ <--------
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Carlos A. Afonso
diretor de planejamento
Rede de Informações para o Terceiro Setor - Rits
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