[governance] Re: Lets Regroup...Where are we going?
David Allen
David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu
Mon Apr 9 16:07:36 EDT 2007
We should all be appreciative for Lee's effort.
But the last time I looked, we had elected coordinators who would make calls for such things. Indeed, Parminder, as one coordinator, has taken steps in just that direction.
It would be nice if the caucus, which has worked so hard to find some coherence for its activities, was able to proceed in that direction.
At 3:50 PM -0400 4/9/07, Lee McKnight wrote:
>I have 10 minutes, here's my instant historical summary:
>1) ICANN has striven since founding to focus on technical issues, and since founding has bumped into techno-policy issues that touch on rights of businesses (and individuals) of various sorts, and various parts of national governments and also other civil society actors a) Forget details of .xxx, or any other case, by now most on this list admit that ICANN is an industry regulator, perhaps too captured by the first special interests at the table (say, trademark holders)
>a)1 - never mind the man (or woman) behind the curtain from the US dept of commerce - or do mind, but they're not ready to go away just yet ( some theorize never)
>b) .XXX just made it obvious that status quo fiction of ICANN just doing technical things is just not plausible
>2) some say ICANN must return to its original state which never really existed, IMHO, when all it did was technical coordination
>3) Others say the animal evolves but stays as a techno-regulator primarily, with GAC/governmental and other civil society input (and really, wasn't it also silly that IGF I had to whisper about ICANN as He Who Shall Not Be Named?)
>4) A second entity IGF, has just been created, while on wobbly feet some say it must evolve into a different animal, others say wait until is has talked for 5 years as per the original plan
>5) A third instituion or mechanism - some calling it a framework convention, others a policy task force, others a refitted ICANN with extensions - is now also up for debate.
>6) As per Karl Auerback's historical reminder, it is still early in this story, so let's do keep that in mind, and recognize all in all that things are progressing...well at least I think so!
>My time's up, but that's the story in my nutshell.
>Prof. Lee W. McKnight
>School of Information Studies
>Syracuse University
>+1-315-278-4392 mobile
>>>> shailam at yahoo.com 4/9/2007 3:25 PM >>>
>Hi All
> Since we all have strong views on this and have responded heatedly
>from our respective positions, may I suggest that we regroup and
>establish some clear issues and concepts and then proceed to outline our
>position as Civil Society and as Private Sector.
> My suggestion is that that one or two amongst us who REALLY
>understand the issues surrounding use of xxx and the issues of
>Consumer protection and ICANN 's role and objectives, outline these
>clearly for all of us.We can the proceed to create some consensus.
> Shaila Rao Mistry
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