[governance] Contribution to IGF consultation (was Re: Where...)

Vittorio Bertola vb at bertola.eu
Sat Apr 7 05:31:58 EDT 2007

Jeremy Malcolm ha scritto:
>> So what are we going to prepare for the IGF Consultation?
> Hear hear on xxx.  But on the IGF Consultation, really, what is there to 
> say? 

I'd subscribe a diplomatical rephrasing of what Jeremy said - actually, 
given the present state of affairs, it seems to me that that is the only 
additional thing that we could say at an IGF consultation, apart from 
what we already said in February. If the subject of the consultation is 
"agenda and program for Rio", everyone already addressed that in 
February, so - as we discussed here with Jeanette a couple of weeks ago 
- one would expect something new to comment upon. Otherwise, I'm tempted 
to make a two-line contribution saying that yes, whatever we said in 
February, we really meant it. Or resubmit the February contribution 

However, if I'm not wrong, there will be a paper by the Secretariat (did 
I get it well?) so when that comes out, if it contains anything new, 
then we might have something new to say.

Seen from the outside, the entire IGF process seems stuck while waiting 
for someone in New York to reappoint the Chairman, Secretariat and AG. I 
don't know whether any useful message about the composition and internal 
workings of the AG was taken at the February consultation - more or less 
everyone was asking for more transparency and clear guidelines on how 
the AG is formed, what it does, and how it operates. Was there any 
discussion about that in the AG, or is it just waiting to be reappointed?
vb.                   Vittorio Bertola - vb [a] bertola.eu   <--------
-------->  finally with a new website at http://bertola.eu/  <--------
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