[governance] Isoc Chapters meeting at World e-Gov Forum Issy les Moulineaux october 18th 2006

Philippe Batreau pbatreau at epistrophe.fr
Fri Sep 29 09:41:52 EDT 2006



An ISOC Chapters meeting will take place during the World e-Gov Forum 2006
in Issy les Moulineaux, near Paris - France, on the 18th of October from 6
to 8pm.




- Presentation of ISOC World, the French chapter and of each chapter


You are most welcome to attend: please let us know ASAP ! We need your


The dynamic of the World e-Gov Forum is supported by the common will of all
its protagonists to:

- Build a Knowledge Society by implementing the WSIS's commitments (World
Summit on the Information Society - Geneva 2003 / Tunis 2005). 

Set up a global exchange and sharing tool for each community concerned

- Bring together local, national, economic authorities and civil society to
build the "Universal Digital Citizenship" .


The World e-Gov Forum is based on 3 major ambitions:

- Being an international reference place for exchanging between Peers. 

- Being practical for each protagonist concerned

- Being a recommendation thanks to the quality of debates


More information :



Registration fees are half price for Isoc members.


You can register here:



Then, specify the special offer code WEG-IST-B-835 for ISOC members'


Best regards,


Philippe Batreau

 <http://www.isoc.fr/> http://www.isoc.fr





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