[governance] My new appointment
Carlos Afonso
ca at rits.org.br
Mon Oct 23 11:59:38 EDT 2006
Congratulations, compa Bertrand! I look forward to a continuing and very
fruitful dialogue.
fraternal regards
Bertrand de La Chapelle wrote:
> Dear all,
> As the Athens Forum approaches, I am looking forward to seeing you
> all again and continuing our debates and common endeavours.
> But before it takes place, I want to announce publicly on the list
> that things have evolved on my side recently and that I have just
> been appointed by the French government as its "Special Envoy for the
> Information Society", (in French : Délégué Spécial pour la Société de
> l'Information) with the responsibility to cover the various aspects
> of the post-WSIS and related processes. I have decided to accept this
> offer to return to formal diplomatic service with the conviction that
> I can bring my past experiences in the business and civil society
> sectors to this new role and thus contribute further to the
> development of innovative multi-stakeholder processes, including
> those decided in Tunis.
> The present period is different from the summit years where the
> challenge was to get civil society accepted. Now, the
> multi-stakeholder principle is accepted - at least in theory - by all
> governements. I can therefore pursue the same vision in this new role
> as before : the challenge is to give life to multi-stakeholderism and
> make it work concretely for the benefit of the international
> community.
> I will participate in this new capacity in the upcoming Internet
> Governance Forum in Athens and am looking forward to seeing many of
> you there again and continue our interactions, including in the
> workshops.
> Best
> Bertrand
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Carlos A. Afonso
diretor de planejamento
Rits - Rede de Informações para o Terceiro Setor
Projeto Sacix - Apoio técnico a iniciativas de inclusão digital
com software livre, mantido pela Rits em colaboração com o
Coletivo Digital. Para mais informações:
www.sacix.org.br www.rits.org.br www.coletivodigital.org.br
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