[governance] Program for IGC at IGF
George Sadowsky
george.sadowsky at attglobal.net
Sun Oct 22 09:01:20 EDT 2006
Let's look at access policy _within_ a country, e.g. licensing of
ISPs, decisions with regard to ISP liability, monopoly telecomm
carriers, not-level playing fields, licensing of ISPs, licensing of
wireless frequencies and devices. etc. These are all issues of
national policy.
It may be that international best practices can provide good
guidelines, but these are more likely to be de facto standards set by
industry than the result of intergovernmental action.
Perhaps we have different definitions of policy.
At 12:04 AM +0200 10/22/06, Avri Doria wrote:
>On 21 okt 2006, at 21.11, George Sadowsky wrote:
>>What I am reacting to is what I observe is the conventional wisdom
>>that I find faulty: that Internet governance and related Internet
>>issues are essentially international in character,
>I disagree. I think it is only on the international stage that
>governance and other Internet issues can be dealt. I don't believe
>that it is up to governments to do it though i do see them having
>some role. i don't believe there is is any right of nations to make
>policy vis a vis the Internet. They may do so, and they even get
>away with it at the moment, but i think we lose a major battle the
>second we start to believe that they have some _right_ to do so. I
>tend to view the IGF and other international, but not
>intergovernemental, organizations as a bulwark against the
>continuing nationalization of the Internet.
>>that wanted to emasculate ICANN
>interesting image, but i do not see what being masculine, or having
>masculine external attributes, has to do with being an effective
>international organization. not that i am prepared to argue that
>the current ICANN incarnation is particularly effective, though i
>think that has more to do with its form of governance and its lack
>of freedom from national and other government pressure.
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