[governance] Transparency (was Re: Program for IGC at IGF)

Jeremy Malcolm Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au
Sat Oct 21 05:59:51 EDT 2006

Norbert Bollow wrote:
> I think that the way forward with respect to achieving good
> standards of transparency and accountability in internet
> governance is to create a small "light-weight" internet
> governance organization which should be in charge of only a
> small number of tasks (tasks which are not currently really
> worked on by any existing organization, and which are easier
> than organizing an Internet Governance Forum), and set up all
> processes of this new organization in exemplary ways to show
> how accountable transparent multistakeholder processes can
> be properly organized, and to learn what resources are
> needed for that.

Another one?  It's been hard enough to get the first one where it is, 
hasn't it?  Though, I do agree that a more light-weight organisation is 
required, which is why I have said that having an open multi-stakeholder 
Nominations Committee determine the composition of the Advisory Council 
would allow it to be reduced in size, because its legitimacy would not 
be derived from a claim to be representative on its own account, but 
rather from the consensus of all stakeholders.

> Already in the Consultations in Geneva in February there was
> very little insistence on the importance of transparency.  As
> long as requests and demands for transparency are not greatly
> increased, genuine transparency cannot plausibly be expected
> to be provided, except if we who care about transparency work
> together to create a little internet governance organization
> which does whatever it does in a genuinely transparent manner.

Let's greatly increase those requests and demands, then.  I've just 
submitted a five-minute video presentation in which I make my own call 
for the IGF to evolve more accountable and transparent structures and 
processes before Rio.  How many others would like to join me?  Of course 
it's a difficult ask, but how much more difficult would it be to create 
yet another organisation that would have the same buy-in from 
stakeholders as the IGF?

Jeremy Malcolm LLB (Hons) B Com
Internet and Open Source lawyer, IT consultant, actor
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