[governance] Fwd: [gnso-dow123] Note from Paul Twomey regarding WHOIS clause in the Affirmation of Responsibilities Re

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Thu Oct 5 14:55:42 EDT 2006

At 08:50 PM 05.10.2006 '?.'  +0300, McTim wrote:
>On 10/5/06, Veni Markovski <veni at veni.com> wrote:
>>Actually the cost of access may change, if the
>>governments change their policies. This has
>>happened in other developing countries. The IGF
>>is a place where this can be discussed.
>discussed, but not accomplished.  what will change access costs and
>penetration rates are market mechanisms, which respond to gov't
>intervention or lack thereof.

Market mechanisms work where there's a market. In many countries, 
developing "socialism" in its weird form, threre's no market, or 
market economy. Governments are the biggest IT-buyers. Check 
www.internetpolicy.net for some information of how changing the legal 
framework has managed to make the Internet affordable.


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