[governance] last day for voting for charter

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Sun Oct 1 21:01:55 EDT 2006


We are in the last day - 2 October has long since started in NZ, but  
still has a ways to go yet before in ends in the Pacific.

And we are still 1 vote short of quorum.

Then again, from conversations I have had, i know that there are  
several people who wanted to vote on the charter who have not yet  
done so.
This is your last day to do so.

Thanks to all those who voted, and thanks to all those who encouraged  
others to do so.



Reminder on how to vote:

This a 4 part ballot open until the end of day 2 Oct 2006

To vote:
- send plain text email to:  igc-voters at igcaucus.org
- with the correct subject (shown below)
- with the proper command (shown below)

1. Base charter

Subject:  IGC Charter vote

--->if you support the charter then your message body should look like:
eVote yes

-->if you do not support the charter then your message body should  
look like:
eVote no

2. Is voting open or closed

Subject: igc voting style

--> if you support that all voting be by secret vote then your  
message body should look like:
1. y

--> if you support open voting with the option of a closed vote then  
your message body should look like:
2. y


3. How is the IGC Appeals team selected

Subject: IGC Appeals Team vote

--> if you support using a nominating committee process to select the  
appeals team then your message body should look like:
1. y

--> if you support using a voting process to select the appeals team  
then your message body should look like:
2. y


4. How does the IGC pick its nominees for other bodies, e.g. the IGF  
advisory group

Subject: IGC Nominations vote

--> if you support using a nominating committee process to select the  
slates of nominees then your message body should look like:
1. y

--> if you support using a voting process to select the nominees then  
your message body should look like:
2. y


Note it is important that the message body be
- plain text
- eVote is the first word in the first line with no characters, not  
even spaces, proceeding it
- for those cases [2-4] where there is a second line of the message
-- the number must be the first character in the second line
-- there must be a space between the period and the y

Also note, that you can check on the status of the vote with:  eVote  
and that you can change your vote any time until the vote closes by  
voting again

For the adventurous: there are more things you do, to find out what  
send a message:
eVote help

Examples of the messages one sends

A participant in the caucus wrote and asked for a more explicit  
'dummies guide to voting in the IGC'.  Since I created one for that  
purpose, I figure I might as well append it for anyone interested in  
explicit directions.

You send 4 different plain text messages.
The message must start on the first line, i.e. no spaces or carriage  
returns at the top of the message

In the following examples, lines that start with -- are not part of  
the message you send, they are dividers or instructions.

Note the line with end is not absolutely necessary, but if it is  
there, then you will be safe if your email application inserts junk  
at the end of the  message, e.g those lengthy IP statement some  
companies have or those ads that some web email appends.

-- email 1.

-- if you approve of the charter:

To: igc-voters at igcaucus.org
Subject: IGC Charter vote
eVote yes

-- if you don't approve of the charter

To: igc-voters at igcaucus.org
Subject: IGC Charter vote
eVote no

-- email 2:

-- If you think that all voting should be secret

To: igc-voters at igcaucus.org
Subject: igc voting style
1. y

-- If you think that all voting should be open with the possibility  
of a closed vote

To: igc-voters at igcaucus.org
Subject: igc voting style
2. y

-- email 3.

-- If you think that the appeals team should be selected by a nomcom

To: igc-voters at igcaucus.org
Subject: IGC Appeals Team vote
1. y

-- If you think that the appeals teams should be selected by voting

To: igc-voters at igcaucus.org
Subject: IGC Appeals Team vote
2. y

-- email 4.

-- If you think nominees to other bodies, such as IGF AG should be  
done by a Nomcom

To: igc-voters at igcaucus.org
Subject: IGC Nominations vote
1. y

-- If you think that nominees to other bodfies, such as IGF AG should  
be done by voting

To: igc-voters at igcaucus.org
Subject: IGC Nominations vote
2. y

-- end of examples

As always please let me know about any difficulties you may experience.


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