[governance] ITU IG Resolution

Jeremy Malcolm Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au
Thu Nov 30 09:42:10 EST 2006

Milton Mueller wrote:
> 2. The problem is that we need to find a point of leverage, which may
> or may not come from working within normal policy processes. The
> blocking power of one sovereign, USG, is not easily ignored or bypoassed
> in these international institutions. By way of contrast, the free
> software movement has gained leverage over the policy debate regarding
> its issues by creating its own institution -- the general public license
> -- embodying its values. Are there analogues that could be pursued in
> the IG arena? 

More good thoughts.  In answer to Milton, I think we need to seek to 
institutionalise this leverage in the structures and processes of the 
IGF.  Not easy, but the gentle pressure of our CS representatives on the 
Advisory Group will be key, together with public and persistent 
communication with Nitin and the IGF Secretariat.  The desired outcome, 
as I see it, is that USG (or other) unilateralism in policy development 
will become politically more expensive than to engage in the IGF's 
multi-stakeholder process, in which CS already has (but must entrench 
and solidify) a stronger position than it has in traditional 
governmental and intergovernmental fora.

Jeremy Malcolm LLB (Hons) B Com
Internet and Open Source lawyer, IT consultant, actor
host -t NAPTR|awk -F! '{print $3}'
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