[governance] IGF - updates

Kieren McCarthy kierenmccarthy at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 12:19:38 EST 2006

>I agree with Avri -- listing on http://www.intgovforum.org is
> preferable. If you know someone setting up/organizing a coalition
> effort, please ask them to send me the info:

I think this is a first of what may become many examples of unnecessary 
repetition of information (to everyone's detriment), which is why it is 
important to try to agree on an approach for IGF and related information to 
appear on one website with people given control over those parts where 
control is deemed important.

Since that agreement is still a way off though, people will just have to 
repeat information for the time being. There are comparatively few dynamic 
coalitions and once you have the info in a documents, it is no great hassle 
to post on both sites, so there is no great problem as I see it.

I do agree with Avri and Adam though: it is vastly preferable for a dynamic 
coalition to appear on the UN's official site. After all, alot of the 
coalition organisers have been asking for a tacit acceptance that they have 
been formed within the grounds of the IGF - with clear benefits - and this 
is clearly the mechanism by which that can be done.

Of course the great benefit of the IGF2006.info website is that people can 
edit their entries without needing any permission or interaction from 
others. This means it can be kept up to date, and new information, meeting 
reports, email lists, whatever can all be added by the person or people most 
associated with the coalition.

There is no reason why the more official submission made to the UN cannot 
contain URLs pointing to where more up-to-date material can be found - 
either the coalition's own pages (like IP Justice's for example), or the 
wiki page on IGF2006.info.

But I do think this highlights why conversations over building a resource at 
a single domain (or perhaps just for introducing a simple system of 
interlinked pages) are important. I promise I will get around to knocking up 
a paper of what I think for dissemination, dissection and destruction as 
soon as I have cleared a backlog of work.


Kieren McCarthy
Homepages: http://www.kierenmccarthy.me.uk
Blog: http://www.kierenmccarthy.co.uk/

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