[governance] Transition

Danny Butt db at dannybutt.net
Wed May 3 18:38:45 EDT 2006

I agree with this process and that some sequencing of the work is  
useful here.


On 04/05/2006, at 2:57 AM, Avri Doria wrote:

> but I think you are right in that we need to do the more  
> substantive work.  I wonder whether they can be done in two parts.
> 1. get the working charter that explains basic vision, who, what  
> and how (your 1 and maybe part of 2)
>     then select second second co-coordinator based on the how  
> (unless we pick one by the 5th)
> 2.. start to work seriously on the substantive issue papers (the  
> hard part of your 2, and 3)

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