[governance] MAG nomcom update

Avri Doria avri at psg.com
Thu Mar 30 21:16:58 EST 2006


While it is still 30 March in parts of the world (by my calculation  
30 March any-time-zone ends at noon GMT 21 March) and there is still  
time to volunteer, we are coming to the end of this stage in the  

Thanks to all who volunteered, the current count is at 31.  Note:  
there is still time to volunteer, i figure about 10 hours more.  Also  
please check to make sure that your name is either listed or not  
listed on the volunteers list as you prefer at:


As I indicated in an earlier email, the random seeds for the RFC3797  
process will be discovered
on April 1.  They are:

      - Irish national Lottery http://www.lotto.ie/
      - UK national lottery http://www.national-lottery.co.uk/
      - US Powerball http://www.powerball.com

The US powerballl is the latest to be drawn at around 1900 Eastern US  
time.  As I am traveling this weekend, I may not be able to do the  
draw until sometime in the morning on 3 April.

One of the other things I was hoping to get from the IGC was some  
discussion of the criteria for selection.  There has been some  
discussion, but it would be good if there was a bit more guidance  
from the caucus.

I will work on composing a note to the plenary etc on the process and  
criteria and will try to have that ready by the 3rd or 4th (it is a  
long plane ride).  I plan to use a combination of the criteria used  
for the WGIG collection/selection process and what i pick up form any  
discussion on this list.

Again, thanks to all the volunteers.


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