[governance] GPLv3 implementation of "user centric identity"?

Milton Mueller Mueller at syr.edu
Wed Mar 29 15:14:38 EST 2006

"user centric identity" is a proposed _topic for a policy discussion_. It is not a proposal for a specific implementation of an identity management system and thus cannot be placed under GPLv3 and neither supports nor opposes DRM or any other functionality. 

Keep in mind that a proper definition of a policy question cannot and should not presume a specific answer to the questions raised. Before any topic gets on the agenda, many different stakeholder groups must support its presence on the agenda. That means that the discussion of the topic must permit all views to be aired. 

To put it more bluntly, it is a bit odd to say, "we support discussing topic X, but only if the topic is defined in a way that presumes that everyone agrees with us on how X should be handled." 

>>> Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch> 3/29/2006 3:26 AM >>>
We would support the "user centric identity" proposal if
someone is making a commitment to implement it under GPLv3
(see http://gplv3.fsf.org/draft ).  Do you know someone who
wants to do this?

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