[governance] Volunteers - 4 more to go
Izumi AIZU
aizu at anr.org
Tue Mar 28 22:53:47 EST 2006
Now we have reached to 21, just 4 more volunteers to go.
How about, offering a glass of beer or wine, to the 25th person?
izumi @ ICANN Wellington meeting, with bunch of CS IG caucus
people and ALAC, NCUC/ICANN and other civil society friends.
At 09:40 06/03/29 +1200, you wrote:
>As mentionned in a previous mail, we are in the process of setting up
>a nomination committee (nomcom) to help select candidates for the IGF
>Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG).
>This nomcom will be picked through a random procedure among willing
>volunteers who are members of this caucus. The procedure works best
>if there is a large number of volunteers and they are a diverse group
>in terms of criteria such as origins, competences, age and gender.
>We have set the required minimum number of volunteers at 25, though
>the more the better - personally I would like to see 50, but I am an
>optimist. At 25, each volunteer has a 1 in 5 chance of being
>selcted. At 50 each volunteer has a 1 in 10 chance of being selected.
>Currently with 1 day to go before the deadline for volunteers (the
>deadline is 30 March AnyTZ), we only have 18 out of the required
>minimum 25. If we do not have 25 volunteers by the end of the day
>on the 30th, this process will be terminated and another method of
>choosing a list will need to be discovered.
>I therefore want to reiterate to this list the call for people to
>volunteer in the next day, particularly for people originating from
>developing countries and regions like Asia, Latin America, Africa and
>the Middle-east, and including people who rarely post but have
>followed regularly the activities of the caucus. This would make the
>procedure as open and legitimate as possible.
>The work of the NomCom will be conducted online and will take place
>during the first weeks of April, in order to deliver a list of
>recommendations for the UN Secretary General before April 18th.
>One important note : it has been agreed that those volunteers who are
>selected as members of the nomcom will not be eligible for
>participation in the IGF-MAG, but people who ultimately wish to be
>considered for the MAG are invited to volunteer for the nomcom
>nonetheless, and leave to fate or chance to decide where they will be
>more useful on the nomcom or as candidates for the MAG. Again, it
>should be noted that volunteers who are not selected for the nomcom
>remain eligible for selection for the IGC candidates list. And it
>should be remembered that selection by the nomcom for the IGC
>candidate list is not a guarantee of ultimate appointment to the MAG.
>I keep the updated list of volunteers at: http://www.nomadicity.net/
>Oh yes, one final thing: please volunteer.
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