[governance] Mandatory and non-mandatory governance (Was: China To Launch Alternate Country CodeDomains]

David Allen David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu
Sat Mar 4 10:54:24 EST 2006

Putting the question in terms of 'central, international action' - or 
coordination - is surely helpful.  In that regard:

At 3:54 PM +0800 3/3/06, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
>At last you have some issues where it is not even clear if a central 
>action is a good idea. Multilingualism is a typical example. What 
>could an international organization do in that field? There are a 
>lot of things to do in the Internet to make it more accessible for 
>the non-English speaker: translating software, creating content, 
>etc. But is there one thing which *requires* or even would benefit 
>from a central action? I doubt it

Though the current case - China's native-language TLDs - is a little 
complicated, several posts on this thread have tried to unveil key 
facts.  When you get into that, it becomes clear there must indeed be 
some level of international coordination, for successful 
native-language access.

Hence multilingualism (defined as here) is one of those cases - one 
theme - that leads directly to today's post-WSIS, core governance 

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