[governance] Going forward - Role of the governance caucus

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Fri Mar 3 07:01:49 EST 2006

At 11:57 AM 03.3.2006 '?.'  +0000, karen banks wrote:
>APC has expressed interest in co-facilitating implementation of
>action line c2 - infrastructure - with anyone else interested - but
>clustered with a few other action lines that make sense.

ISOC-Bulgaria (and I guess BlueLink - one of the APC affiliates in 
Bulgaria - CC here, and I will forward it to Milena as a separate 
mail) is interested also in helping. As you know, we have a project 
on IG - www.isoc.bg/ig and we can alocate some resources for 
different activities. We are planning on having a workshop on IG in 
October, just before the IGF in Athens, for Southeast Europe in 
Sofia, Bulgaria.


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