[governance] Caucus Contribution to IGF "Synthesis Papers"?

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Thu Jul 27 08:41:35 EDT 2006

Hello everyone.

The deadline for contributions is August 2.

I'm quoting Bill's email, that was the one I 
could find easily. It's the caucus' task to 
submit a paper (or not.)  I think this is 
important, a chance to get comments into the 
record of the meeting, to discuss issues that may 
not come up in workshops or the main sessions.


At 6:40 PM +0200 7/11/06, William Drake wrote:
>Hi Adam,
>Thanks for this, a few things in response:
>1.  I spoke with Markus and Chengetai, and the deadline for contributions
>has been extended to July 31.  So there's a little time for people to do
>whatever they intend to, individually or collectively.
>2.  A lot of our stuff over the years was of course written on site in a
>rush and then shot off to the list without being archived anywhere.  While I
>assume I have all the statements that I drafted, I doubt that I  have a
>complete set of caucus documents, including those pertaining to the IGF
>(although I know I have our response to the WGIG report, which was probably
>the most detailed caucus statement on the topic).  This lack of an archive
>is problematic, as I noted back when we were discussing the possibility of
>adding more substantive material to the charter evolved from previously
>agreed texts.  Whether it be the new site Avri set up or the old one you
>did, it would make sense for us to have a central repository somewhere that
>we could reference.  I don't know if someone would like to volunteer to
>receive, transparently label, and post them (these needn't all be done by
>the same person), but if so maybe we could try exorcizing our hard drives
>and passing them on...
>3.  That said, I'm not sure whether what we have said before actually would
>be of much use in assembling a new statement.  The process has moved on, and
>general comments on how the IGF should be organized and functionally tasked
>don't seem terribly relevant, unless we simply wish to emphasize how
>different the IGF as it is being constructed is from what the WGIG and the
>caucus recommended (and what the Tunis Agenda actually says, which I gather
>does not matter).  A statement along those lines might be seen in some
>circles as "unhelpful criticism" that "rehashes old issues" (aka hegemony,
>Gramsci-style).  It might also be seen as inconsistent with the criteria
>established by the mAG, that the paper should be on Openness, Security,
>Diversity, and Access, which as far as I can tell are framed more as
>Internet issues than as Internet governance issues (i.e. what governance
>mechanisms exist, how well do they work, what might need doing) anyway. To
>the extent that Athens is looking a bit like a UN-sponsored version of INET,
>such a statement would be pretty orthogonal. So while I agree that it would
>be a real pity for the caucus to be mute at this rather important point in
>the evolution, I'm not certain what we could say that would be received as
>relevant and useful---blah blah about multistakeholderism wouldn't
>be---without generating an entirely new text, which would require a lot of
>dialogue and work starting like yesterday.
>4.  Anyway, I would certainly support any effort to get something going. In
>the meanwhile, if I can find time in the next weeks, I will probably try to
>write something personally on my wildly outlandish notion that the WSIS
>principles, having been agreed and reiterated repeatedly over several years,
>might be worth assessing in relation to actual practice, and maybe even
>implementing (fat chance).
>>  From: "Adam Peake (ajp at glocom.ac.jp)" <apeake at gmail.com>
>>  Reply-To: <governance at lists.cpsr.org>, "Adam Peake (ajp at glocom.ac.jp)"
>>  <apeake at gmail.com>
>>  Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 22:48:51 +0900
>>  To: <governance at lists.cpsr.org>
>>  Cc: Robin Gross <robin at ipjustice.org>
>>  Subject: Re: [governance] IP Justice Call for Participation at UN Internet
>>  Governance Forum: 15 July Deadline for 
>>Contribution to IGF "Synthesis Papers"
>>  Robin, thanks for posting this.
>  >
>>  Just a couple of days to the deadline for paper -- July 15.  Would be
>>  a shame if the caucus didn't submit something.
>>  These papers will be made available on the IGF website, will be
>  > summarized by the secretariat and the summary translated into UN
>>  languages. They will be the main written contributions to the IGF
>>  Athens meeting.  I don't know how many have been received so far, but
>>  I have a feeling not too many.
>>  Think it would be particularly helpful to see comments on the WSIS
>>  principles, strengthening of participation in Internet governance
>>  mechanisms, etc  i.e. issues covered in para 72 of the Tunis Agenda.
>>  We've written a lot on this before, it's pretty much agreed text so
>>  long as edited carefully and no one tries to squeeze in something too
>>  new...
>>  The Advisory Group has focused on other thematic issues, the para 72
>>  stuff not well covered.  We have a lot of old text on this, both from
>>  caucus and members (Bill and I think Wolfgang in particular.)  If few
>>  papers are received then anything sent could have an impact.
>>  Comments on the nature of IGF --multi-stakeholder, working groups, etc
>>  etc -- could also be a useful contribution.  Again, we've plenty of
>>  text on this.
>>  Please don't miss this opportunity.
>>  Adam
>>  On 7/6/06, Robin Gross <robin at ipjustice.org> wrote:
>>>  Apologies for the cross-posting. Available at:
>>>  http://www.ipjustice.org/WSIS/IGF_070106.shtml
>>>  15 July Deadline for Contribution to IGF "Synthesis Papers"
>>>  24 Aug Deadline for Athens Workshop Proposals
>>>  The 30 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2006 inaugural meeting of United Nations Internet
>>>  Governance Forum (IGF) in Athens, Greece provides plenty of opportunity
>>>  for discussion on a wide variety of topics related to "Internet
>>>  governance".
>>>  This is IP Justice's call for participation for civil society
>>>  contributions to the Athens IGF meeting. Participation at the Athens IGF
>>>  meeting can be through written contributions, workshop proposals,
>>>  prepared video statements, and a "plaza" to showcase institutions and
>>>  projects.
>>>  Four Main Themes in Athens: Openness, Security, Diversity, Access
>>>  1. OPENNESS
>>>  - Freedom of Expression
>>>  - Free flow of information and ideas
>>>  - Access to knowledge
>>>  2. SECURITY
>>>  - Building trust online
>>>  - Protecting users from spam, phishing, viruses
>>>  - Maintain security while protecting privacy
>>>  - Multilingualism including IDN
>>>  - promoting local content
>>>  - Respecting geographical diversity
>>>  4. ACCESS
>>>  - Internet connectivity, policies and costs
>>>  - Interoperability and open standards
>>>  IGF Written Contributions:
>>>  The IGF Secretariat has issued a call for contributions on its website.
>>>  Written contributions are intended to shape the discussion at the Athens
>>>  meeting. The IGF Secretariat will prepare synthesis papers of all
>>>  written contributions that will be translated into all UN languages and
>>>  submitted to the Athens meeting as official conference documents.
>>>  15 July 2006 ­ Deadline for submitting written contributions to be
>>>  included in synthesis papers.
>>>  Papers submitted after the 15 July deadline will be included on the IGF
>  >> website, but not included in the synthesis papers.
>>>  Many more details regarding the submission of written contributions are
>>>  available on the IGF's website:
>>>  http://www.intgovforum.org/athens_outline.htm
>>>  IGF Work Shop Proposals:
>>>  The IGF Secretariat has issued a call for work shop proposals and
>>>  template for submitting proposals on its website.
>>>  24 August 2006 is the final deadline for submitting workshop proposals
>>>  in English. The deadline for submitting proposals in UN languages other
>>>  than English is 31 July 2006.
>>>  The Secretariat encourages proposals to be submitted as early as
>>>  possible, as proposals will be accepted on an ongoing basis. The final
>>>  selection of workshops will be made by the IGF Advisory Group at its
>>>  meeting on 7-8 September 2006. All valid proposals will be posted to the
>  >> IGF website.
>>>  Many more details and the template for submitting workshop proposals is
>>>  available on the IGF's website:
>>>  http://www.intgovforum.org/workshops.html
>  >>
>>>  IP Justice recommends submitting written contributions and workshop
>>>  proposals on the following sub-issues (non-exhaustive):
>>>  1. OPENNESS - Freedom of expression, free flow of information, ideas and
>>>  access to knowledge:
>>>  - Freedom of expression rights
>>>  - Free flow of information
>>>  - Access to knowledge
>>>  - Appropriate balance of intellectual property rights for protecting
>>>  free expression and free flow of information
>>>  - Promotion of accessible public domain
>>>  - Government censorship on Internet
>>>  - Corporate censorship on Internet
>>>  - Impact of technological protection measures and anti-circumvention
>>>  laws on the free flow of information
>>>  - Impact of software patents on freedom of expression
>>>  2. SECURITY - Building trust online, protecting users from spam,
>>>  phishing, viruses, maintain security while protecting privacy:
>>>  - Civil liberties concerns from government surveillance programs
>>>  - Relationship of protecting privacy rights and promoting consumer trust
>>>  on Internet
>>>  - Role of free and open source software in promoting information security
>>>  - Impact on freedom of expression from spam and content filtering
>>>  - Privacy right violations from publication of ICANN's "WHOIS" database
>>>  on Internet
>>>  3. DIVERSITY - Promoting multi-lingualism, local content, and
>>>  geographical diversity:
>>>  - Ability of ICANN to meet needs of international Internet community
>>>  - Role of Creative Commons licenses to promote local content
>>>  - Ability of non-proprietary development and licensing schemes to meet
>>>  local needs
>>>  - Management of critical Internet infrastructure resources
>>>  - Role of Internet to promote democratic participation
>>>  - Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)
>>>  4. ACCESS - Internet connectivity, policies and costs:
>>>  - Open standards
>>>  - Interoperability of technology
>>>  - Role of free and open source software to provide access
>>>  More Info:
>>>  IP Justice Recommendations regarding Substantive Agenda for UN Internet
>>>  Governance Forum <http://www.ipjustice.org/IGF033106.shtml>
>>>  UN Press Release Announcing Internet Governance Forum Advisory Group
>>>  <http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2006/sga1006.doc.htm>
>>>  IP Justice Statement at UN IGF "Open Consultations" - 19 May 2006
>>>  <http://www.ipjustice.org/WSIS/IGF_051906.shtml>
>>>  UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) webpage <http://www.intgovforum.org/>
>>>  ____________________________________________________________
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>>>       http://lists.cpsr.org/lists/info/governance
>>  --
>>  Email from Adam Peake <ajp at glocom.ac.jp>
>>  Email from my Gmail account probably means I am travelling.  Please
>>  reply to  <ajp at glocom.ac.jp> Thanks!
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