[governance] Annan in Davos on Civil Society

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Sat Jan 28 12:07:47 EST 2006

On 28-Jan-06, at 10:52 AM, William Drake wrote:

> ITU is going to be the main multilateral venue in which governments  
> address
> IG public policy and standards issues, not the GAC or anywhere  
> else, and we
> should be there.

if i'm not mistaken quite a number of governments made clear  
statements during the WSIS IG negotiations that they did DID NOT want  
the ITU to be the venue where IG public policy and standards issues  
get addressed.

If i recall well,  Brazil, Russia, Iran and many members of the "like  
minded" group were in favour of the ITU, but the "common ground  
group" composed of Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Uruguay, Australia  
and others were not keen on the ITU. So, no consensus...

Personally,  I don't think Tunis quite resolved the situation. It all  
depends on the what gets decided at the ITU council meeting in early  
Feb, a well as  the structures that get set up in the coming months.



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