[governance] Establishment of the European Regional At-Large Organizaton

Wolfgang Kleinwächter wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de
Sat Jan 21 13:03:46 EST 2006

wolfgang Kleinwächter ha scritto:
 The proposed statues would have allowed that one third of members from a EU-RALO Board would have come from individuals,

Just to let you know that we are in agreement, if you read the proposed structure for the EURALO, you will discover that up to half of its council will be composed by representatives of individual members. That is even more than what was being discussed in Milan, and reflects the common understanding that there must be a role for active individuals.

Yes, I see this as a progress and I support it. My intervention was only to make the historical process a little bit more transparent. The question of individual membership, as you remember, was controversial for nearly three years. Insofar I congratulate you and the other ALAC members that you made this step in a direction which I believe is the rigth one. Not easy, but necessary!

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