[governance] Geneva schedule

David Allen David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu
Fri Jan 20 17:18:20 EST 2006

As we all know, airline tickets come at better prices when bought 
earlier.  Nor may they be changed, or if so only dearly.  If there is 
more solid information on the mid-February schedule in Geneva, that 
would be particularly helpful.

The last I saw, Feb 15 had been added to Feb 16-17.  But there was 
sentiment that the order needed to reverse, so after not before - 
Monday?  There was also mooted the possibility for all in two days. 
Resolution was to be forthcoming.

If I have missed a message, please excuse me - will appreciate being 
updated.  Otherwise, this is late Friday; if there could be some word 
Monday, that would be a good next step.

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