[governance] Fwd: results

Izumi AIZU aizu at anr.org
Sun Dec 17 16:12:25 EST 2006

Dear list,

Upon my request, Avri kindly implemented the drawing and
reported the following. Congratulations for those selected,
and I, as a non-voting chair, will work together with them to
produce a working Appeal Tema for our caucus.

Thank you very much for your participation and support.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Avri Doria <avri at acm.org>
Date: 2006/12/17 16:54
Subject: results
To: Izumi AIZU <aizu at anr.org>


I ran the program using the lotto results (only main numbers not
bonus draws) from the
16 Dec drawing of:

      - Irish national Lottery http://www.lotto.ie/
      - UK national lottery http://www.national-lottery.co.uk/
      - US Powerball http://www.powerball.com

Key is:
index        hex value of MD5        div  selected
1  F72CDF3ED06678FD19C7C1CA3CE92D9A  25  -> 16 <-
2  37F9A0017D3A05281DF186AE9BB17795  24  ->  6 <-
3  3F6BE1E34B8E3AE16D82EFF7361A7C4F  23  -> 24 <-
4  222FBC884C8E0427A35FB47ADBE6BFBD  22  -> 22 <-
5  C4440D9CF89E259DBCE2CE0AD1D427ED  21  ->  3 <-

This means your nomcom is:

Bret Fausett
Milton Mueller
Maja Andjelkovic
Adam Peake
Ralf Bendrath


                      >> Izumi Aizu <<

             Institute for HyperNetwork Society
             Kumon Center, Tama University
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