[governance] IGF at the ICANN meeting

Vittorio Bertola vb at bertola.eu.org
Mon Dec 4 09:40:41 EST 2006


I'm in the Sao Paulo ICANN meeting, and one of the agenda items today 
for the "plenary" (Public Forum) was a report from the IGF. At a certain 
point, Ayesha Hassan from ICC (business) and Lynn St. Amour from ISOC 
(technical community) were invited to the podium to give a "stakeholder 
perspective" on the IGF, and so I felt obliged to grab the mike and 
politely say that, hey, there is another stakeholder in the discussion, 
i.e. civil society, and add some positive notes on how good it was to 
start talking to each other in Athens, provided that sooner or later we 
find a way to release some practical results out of the IGF process. 
Several other caucus members took the floor afterwards.

Separately, I had a chat with Markus, who confirmed to me that the Feb 
13th meeting is meant to wrap-up Athens and discuss how to organize the 
Rio meeting, and specifically whether to have a new MAG, given that the 
current one had a mandate clearly limited to Athens and will expire 
after the wrap-up. We should develop a proposal / position to be 
released for the February meeting, possibly accompanied by informal 
discussion with other constituencies as well.
vb.             [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<-----
http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Prima o poi...
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