[governance] Transition

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Sun Apr 30 18:20:51 EDT 2006

On 30 apr 2006, at 17.13, Milton Mueller wrote:

> Looking forward, rather than backwards or sideways as so many seem  
> prone to do, would you please re-iterate the basic elements of your  
> proposal in a bulleted list and show how the selection of 2 rather  
> than one Avris would or would not affect the substance of the  
> proposal.

The proposal I made, which was contingent on consensus.

the basics:

- i become a single coordinator of the caucus with a 1 yr term
- we decide on a working charter that included a process for picking  
   (i suggested a nomcom - but that was not well accepted, so it  
needs more discussion)
- we then picked a second coordinator for 2 year term as soon as we  
have the working charter and the process for picking
- as my 1 year term was ending, we picked a second coordinator for a  
2 year term.

with mentions about finding new collaborative methods for getting  
things done etc...

My main concerns, other then getting a charter that gets moving  
again, are for a finding a reliable and acceptable method for  
choosing coordinators given the nature of the caucus, and for that  
methodology to be a staggered method, so we are never without  
continuity of coordination.

so I think having 2 coordinators to start the transition means:

- we have a choosing at some point to replace one or both of them
- some have suggested privately that the act of being the transition  
coordinator burns the coordinators so they can't continue as  
coordinators after the transition.  i think this is possibly true.   
and was certainly expecting my one year term to be non renewable  
(though i did not explicitly include that in the description - though  
i could if we thought it was necessary). so if we have two, and the  
theory that working the transition burns the coordinator is correct,  
then we burn two instead of one.
- in that case we could follow the steps above with the variation

   - pick 2
   - charter with picking method
   - pick 1, burn 1 (by flipping a coin or some other selection method)
   - after a year pick 2nd, burn the 2nd transition  coordinator


    - pick 2
    - charter with picking method
    - pick 1 for 2 year term, retain transition 2 for the rest of year
      (gives total of 3 for the balance of the year)
    - at the year mark pick a new one and burn the 2 transition  

or ...


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