[governance] Nomcom selection of IGC candidates for the IGF MAG

Milton Mueller Mueller at syr.edu
Tue Apr 18 18:52:43 EDT 2006

I am honored to have been selected by the Nomcom group. I will wait for the next step, which is in the UN's hands, before getting too expansive about any further comments and promises, however.

But I think a special thanks is due to Avri for taking the initiative to put together a good, workable process. That was quite an achievement. The trains ran on time and I was particularly impressed with the way she stuck to her guns when we all said we would be satisfied with whatever number of volunteers showed up. I am painfully aware of how dependent civil society processes are on people like that who take initiative and do the work.

Let's see what happens next. It looks like a good group.  

Dr. Milton Mueller
Syracuse University School of Information Studies

>>> Avri Doria <avri at acm.org> 4/18/2006 4:58 PM >>>

I am in the process of putting together the document for presenting  
the candidates selected by the IGC-nomcom to the IGF secretariat.   
This document will cover the criteria and process used in the  
selection as well as include the biographies of the candidates being  
presented.  I was going to wait until this document was ready to  
present the names to the IGC and CS-plenary, but it is taking me  
forever to get the document completed and I do not want to delay any  

The members of the nomcom selected the following individuals as  
candidates for the IGC nomcom:

Adam Peake
Chun Eunghwi
Divina Frau-Meigs
Gemma Brice (Ken) Lohento
Gustavo Gindre Monteiro Soares
Jeanette Hofmann
Mawaki Chango
Milton Mueller
Parminder Jeet Singh
Paul Byron Wilson
Qusai AlShatti
Rikke Frank Joergensen
Robert Guerra
Robin D. Gross
William Drake

(their information can still be found at: http://www.wsis-cs.org/ 

Once I have finished the document discussing the criteria and the  
process I will post the URL for it on these list.

I hope you will join me in thanking the members of the nomcom for the  
work they have done in selecting the candidates.  And that you will  
join me in wishing the candidates luck in the continuing selection  


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