[governance] **Parallel Event to PrepCom-3: Gender and Internet Governance at WSIS**

Jacqueline Morris jam at jacquelinemorris.com
Thu Sep 22 09:05:15 EDT 2005

**Parallel Event to PrepCom-3: Gender and Internet Governance at WSIS**
Friday, September 23, 2005, 15:00-18:00 hours
Room XXIII, Palais de Nations, Geneva

Why should women be interested in Internet Governance? How can women's
interests and concerns be better integrated/embedded into public policy
discussions on Internet Governance?  These are some of the questions
that we will adress during the event organized by Association for
Progressive Communications Women's Networking Support Programme (APC
WNSP), FEMNET Communications, and the WSIS Gender Caucus. The objective
of the event is to create space for discussion and develop reactions to
the WSIS Working Group on Internet Governance Report.

Chair: Magaly Pazello (DAWN, APCWNSP, GC)
Contributors: Avri Doria (WGIG member, GC member), Jacqueline Morris
(WGIG member, GC member), Karen Banks (WGIG member, GC member, APC WNSP)
Jacqueline Morris
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