[governance] Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking - The First 4 Bits, etc.
Jim Fleming
JimFleming at ameritech.net
Sun Oct 16 07:01:07 EDT 2005
Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking - The First 4 Bits, etc.
Given you have your $50 WIFI Uni.X nodes, and you are exchanging
160 bit messages, one might consider looking at the 160 bits in terms of
the **political regimes** largely supported by the U.S. Government and
various groups who tax netizens to help them avoid collisions in cyberspace.
Uniqueness comes at a very high price in cyberspace. One can ask, why
uniqueness is so politicized in one regime and melts away in Uni.X to Uni.X
.NETworking. Education is part of the reason. Netizens as a group are not
aware of the details and are prevented from considering ways to free
from THE Big Lie Society. Uni.X to Uni.X networking people never are
bound up and locked up by THE Big Lie Society because they mostly begin
and end with code and nodes. The code and nodes are the .NET, not the
politicians and meat-space groupies.
Looking at the First 4 Bits of the 160 bit Uni.X to Uni.X messages, one
can see a currently fixed field with a value 0101. People brain-washed on
planets may jump to the conclusion that is the value 5. Uni.X to Uni.X
people might see that it is a field for SSDD and SS=01 and DD=01 as a
starting point.
SS could also be 00, 10 and 11 and so could DD. There could be a place in
the DNS A records for the DD bits. The SS bits are normally selected by the
Source node. There is no central authority needed to assign those First 4
and people certainly do not need to pay someone to sit at an empty-desk job
repeating some religious mantra about values such as 0100, 0101, 0110. With
Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking, all of the values are possible and all people
freely use all values. Words like open and flexible and expandable come to
Simple is also a good word. You do not need to be a computer scientist to
understand that you choose the SS bits (00,01,10,11) and the destination
the DD bits (00,01,10,11) and that covers all of the 16 patterns possible.
There may be another "version", no pun intended, but Uni.X people need not
their time with such narrow-minded, non-flexible designs which end up
an artificial need for "governance" when there is no benefit to the public.
2 - Fixed 01 <<<<< From half of the First 4 Bits
2 - Fixed 01
4 - Now
3 - Fixed 000
7 - Now
<<<< 32-bits >>>>
1 - Fixed 0
2 - Fixed 11
6 - Fixed 000000
1 - Fixed 0
1 - Fixed 1
3 - Now
Moving to the second 4 bits, one sees a similar pattern SSDD and a fixed
value of 0101. That is easy to remember because it is the same as the first
four bits. People using out-dated equipment can be warned to not change
that value, things may stop working. Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking people
with $50 WIFI nodes that they program see that they can change all 4 of
those bits, yet may choose to go with 0101 for now, because there is not
really a need for that many address bits at the moment. When the need
arises, the bits begin to change. Some might view that as netizens being
freed from the shackles of THE Big Lie Society regime. Uni.X to Uni.X
.NETworking people may not view it as a liberation, because they always
knew they could change the code when they want. They write the code
and they have been writing it since the 1970s. THE Big Lie Society of
course would likely prefer to continue practicing their ethnic cleansing and
making all that go away, as they bring in their new versions of "history".
It is amazing the blind-spots net historians have and the completely missing
chapters, which apparently are actively removed or censored from all
recorded records. One of the shames is that governments, like the United
States of America, claims to promote a level playing field, freedom, etc.
and then supports THE Big Lie Society to promote one view and it is their
way or the highway. People around the world see the hypocrisy and are
becoming more educated and have the codes and the nodes, they will soon
be able to connect, 30 years after they once were connected. That is a long
time for THE Big Lie Society to dominate the world and deprive people of
basic network resources and all 16 versions of the First 4 Bits.
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