[governance] Sense of the Senate Resolution

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Thu Oct 20 10:33:58 EDT 2005


as you well know, politicians have down to an art the " dishonest  
manipulation of public opinion" .... US politicians, are well - in my  
very personal view - very good at it...

Given the US comments at the PrepCom, it was only a matter of time  
before a proposal of some sort be tabled in the house or senate. Now  
that its happened - it will be interesting to see reactions in other  



Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Managing Director, Privaterra <http://www.privaterra.org>

On 20-Oct-05, at 10:14 AM, Milton Mueller wrote:

>>>> Danny Younger <dannyyounger at yahoo.com> 10/20/2005 8:36:52 AM >>>
>> Senator Coleman (who co-sponsored the UN Reform bill)
>> is a leader who is keenly aware of the culture of
>> corruption that has permeated U.N. program management.
> That is true. But you are overlooking the equivocation that marks
> Coleman's -- and many other U.S. politicians' -- position. No one has
> proposed that the "UN run the Internet." The need for reform of  
> current
> IG arrangements has very little to do with the capabilities and  
> problems
> associated with UN programs. Whoever frames the issue in that way is
> engaged in dishonest manipulation of public opinion.
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