[governance] Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking - Why is 20 a Good Number ? 4x5=20 Choose 4 or 5

Jim Fleming JimFleming at ameritech.net
Wed Oct 19 17:01:13 EDT 2005

0101.DDDD.000.DDDDDDD.11.<<<<32 bits>>>>.0.000000.0.1.DDD

20 bits on the left and a 5 bit per letter symbol set implies 4 letters
(like .COM or .NET) on the left
20 bits on the left can also be encoded with the 4-letter symbol set
Given the 4-letter symbol set: .CDEIMNOPRTUV389
Your Prefix would be M.DDDD.[.C].DDDD.[EOU9] where DDDD is any below and you
select a dot or a C in the [] and a EOU or 9 in the second [].
      0000 0 .      0001 1 C      0010 2 D      0011 3 E      0100 4 I
0101 5 M      0110 6 N      0111 7 O      1000 8 P      1001 9 R      1010 A
T      1011 B U      1100 C V      1101 D 3      1110 E 8      1111 F 9
Strange how M landed in the spot for .MOBILE
Because the 4-letter prefixes can be odd-looking, it appears better to have
a simple table of 2,048 TLDs mapped to the bits that can easily be changed
at this point in time.
What are the top 2,048 TLDs ?
The U.S. Government promised there would be competition and diversity in the
TLD name space. Did they lie ? That was in 1998 and they claimed they were
working on it for three years prior to that. A lot of money was spent to
privatize the domain industry. Where did that money go ? What are the 2,048
best-of-breed TLDs ? Where are they ?

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