[governance] The frustrating situation with the GNSO

Bret Fausett fausett at lextext.com
Wed Dec 21 11:26:27 EST 2005

I don't want to be seen as defending a policy development system that 
certainly could be improved, but let me point out a couple of things 
relevant to Danny's point below. Apologies to all if this is off-topic 
for the "governance" list.

First and foremost, a public comment period is now underway that will 
allow Internet users to get their input in early *before* the Council 
begins its work. Please post your comments and make a record now. These 
comments will become the starting point for the Council's work.


You can see my post about the purpose of this early comment period here:


Second, the "Committee of the Whole" is not an ad hoc process adopted 
specifically for new TLDs. It's described in the ICANN Bylaws. See 
Sections 4 and 8 here:


The 'Committee of the Whole' will be looking at the comments it will 
solicit from the GNSO Constituencies and the comments from the Public 
list. *Please* post your comments (new-gtlds-pdp-comments at icann.org).

         -- Bret

Danny Younger wrote:

>What I find particularly troubling, however, is the
>"Committee of the Whole" process adopted by the
>Council that has replaced a "Task Force" process that
>has been in use for the last three years.
>At least a task force would have already had a
>discussion list started on this PDP, but the Committee
>of the Whole (the Council itself) has not even begun
>to take a look at any of the PDP issues.  

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