[governance] Forum domain names

Bertrand de La Chapelle bdelachapelle at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 05:44:10 EST 2005

Dear all, dear Markus,

On 12/14/05, Robert Guerra <rguerra at lists.privaterra.org> wrote:
> -- 2. Domain Name --
> There was a discussion [in Vancouver] on what domain name would be most
> appropriate.
> The first intuitive name that seemed that came up (that i can't
> remember right now) seems to be taken by Bertrand de la Chapelle.

I confirm I bought a few months ago (in April 2005) the two domain names :
www.igforum.org and www.igforum.info. This was in anticipation they might be
useful at a later stage and to make sure they would be available when needed
in the best global public interest.

It goes without saying that my objective is to transfer those two domains -
at no cost as a personnal contribution - to facilitate the establishment of
the Forum and its easy access online when there is a clear common
understanding of how the Forum is set up and who will run its site.

The multi-stakeholder nature of the Forum is an essential criteria for its
success and this will only be achieved if civil society takes an active role
in defining its modalities (including the way it functions online, which is
one of the guarantees of its inclusiveness).

I am therefore opening up here the question of what would be the best use of
these two domain names, given the fact that they should only point to a
site that is truly multistakeholder. This could be one of the issues debated
within the new group proposed by Avri.

Looking forward to comments.


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