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Thu Jan 13 08:49:26 EST 2022

>>> reference I take it, it is about 'arab spring' kind of people'=
> power, but<br>
>>> that doesnt look clear from the way the sentence is wedged bet=
ween the<br>
>>> other two sentences...<br>
>>> parminder<br>
>>>  On Thursday 13 June 2013 05:11 PM, Anja Kovacs wrote:<br>
>>> Also, in response to Parminder's questions: while we had agree=
d from the<br>
>>> beginning that the focus of this particular statement would be=
 the US<br>
>>> Congress, I feel (and I just reread it to check) that it does =
>>> the concerns of non-US citizens/resident (as it was meant to d=
o in my<br>
>>> reading as well). Parminder, do you really feel that doesn't c=
ome out at<br>
>>> all? In that case, we do have some more work to do....<br>
>>> On 13 June 2013 16:28, Anja Kovacs <<a href=3D"mailto:anja@=" target=3D"_blank">anja at</a>> w=
>>>>  Anriette, is there a strong reason why you feel we s=
hould release this<br>
>>>> tomorrow already? My inclination would be to agree with Nn=
enna and<br>
> others<br>
>>>> and to wait until Monday, but would be keen to know why yo=
u feel<br>
> tomorrow<br>
>>>> is a better idea.<br>
>>>> On 13 June 2013 14:37, Nnenna Nwakanma <<a href=3D"mail=
to:nnenna75 at" target=3D"_blank">nnenna75 at</a>> wrote:<=
>>>>>  Hi people<br>
>>>>>  I will say  submit on Monday.  When yo=
u kick off the week with it, you<br>
>>>>> will have ample time to rave up media attention on it.=
>>>>>  I am hoping Mandela does not give up the fight..=
 because that will<br>
>>>>> overshadow any other Internet news...<br>
>>>>>  I am booked for the very first Africa Internet S=
ummit in Lusaka next<br>
>>>>> week.  I do hope to be able to draw attention to =
the statement, as<br>
> well as<br>
>>>>> some that have been made by Best Bits.<br>
>>>>>  Best of the day..<br>
>>>>>  Nnenna<br>
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 8:51 AM, Anriette Esterhuysen<=
> <<a href=3D"mailto:anriette at" target=3D"_blank">anriette at apc=
>> Greetings everyone<br>
>> Content is coming along well.<br>
>> Jeremy, in response to your question, what about giving people unt=
>> 21h00 GMT/UTC today, Thursday. Then you can close the text, finali=
se it,<br>
>> and release for sign-ons and give people until 16h00 GMT/UTC Frida=
y for<br>
>> sign ons and then we can send it off before the end of the busines=
s day<br>
>> in Washington DC (will be 12h00 in DC).<br>
>> That will accommodate Parminder's request, but still enable us to =
>> enough sign ons and get the letter to Washington DC on Friday. Onl=
>> region that will have a shortish period for sign ons will be the<b=
>> Americas.<br>
>> Will this work?<br>
>> Anriette<br>
>> On 13/06/2013 08:13, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:<br>
>>>>  --<br>
>>>> Dr. Anja Kovacs<br>
>>>> The Internet Democracy Project<br>
>>>> <a href=3D"tel:%2B91%209899028053" value=3D"+919899028053"=
 target=3D"_blank">+91 9899028053</a> | @anjakovacs<br>
>>>> <a href=3D"" target=3D"_bla=
>>> --<br>
>>> Dr. Anja Kovacs<br>
>>> The Internet Democracy Project<br>
>>> <a href=3D"tel:%2B91%209899028053" value=3D"+919899028053" tar=
get=3D"_blank">+91 9899028053</a> | @anjakovacs<br>
>>> <a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">=</a><br>
anriette esterhuysen <a href=3D"mailto:anriette at" target=3D"_blank">=
anriette at</a><br>
executive director, association for progressive communications<br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank"></a><br>
po box 29755, melville 2109<br>
south africa<br>
tel/fax <a href=3D"tel:%2B27%2011%20726%201692" value=3D"+27117261692" targ=
et=3D"_blank">+27 11 726 1692</a><br>
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