[bestbits] Fwd: FW: [digital-disinfo] Fwd: Our ad API campaign

Raquel Rennó raquelrenno at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 05:34:31 EDT 2019

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Raquel Renno Nunes <raquel.rennonunes at opensocietyfoundations.org>
Date: Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 11:20 AM
Subject: FW: [digital-disinfo] Fwd: Our ad API campaign
To: raquelrenno at gmail.com <raquelrenno at gmail.com>

*From:* digital-disinfo-noreply at open-wide.net <
digital-disinfo-noreply at open-wide.net> *On Behalf Of *Becky Jarvis
*Sent:* Monday, April 1, 2019 10:53 AM
*To:* digital-disinfo at open-wide.net
*Subject:* [digital-disinfo] Fwd: Our ad API campaign

Hi all Follow up from Mozilla's open letter below. Thanks! Becky
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Brandi Geurkink Date: Thu, Mar
28, 2019 at 4:42 PMSubject: Our ad API campaignTo: Becky Jarvis ,
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Hi all

Follow up from Mozilla's open letter below.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: *Brandi Geurkink* <brandi at mozillafoundation.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 4:42 PM
Subject: Our ad API campaign
To: Becky Jarvis <becky at the-open.net>, Jessica Shearer <jessica at the-open.net

Hi Becky and Jessica,

I hope that you’re both doing well! I’m writing with an update about our
campaign to demand greater transparency of political ads.

Back in February we sent a letter to Facebook telling them to increase
their transparency efforts. Just a few hours after our open letter went
online, a Facebook representative responded to our
announcing that they’d be releasing a public database of political ads (and
a searchable version called an API) by the end of this month. We expected
that Google would release their API on 14 March as they promised, but
they’ve already pushed that deadline back—despite the European
Parliamentary elections drawing closer every day.

As disinformation continues to spread across online platforms with the
potential to interfere with democratic elections, it’s critical that these
tools are accessible and effective.

*So today, Mozilla and a cohort of 10 independent researchers are **publishing
five guidelines*
that these APIs must meet in order to truly support election influence
monitoring and independent research.*

Along with sending these to Google, Facebook and Twitter directly, we’ll
also be sharing these guidelines with the European Commissioners who are
responsible for assessing how the platforms are doing on their commitments
made in the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation. It’s rumoured that
Facebook will release the API that they promised us in the coming days, and
we hope that this will be a useful baseline for lawmakers and the public to
critically assess these transparency efforts.

*Will you help us by **sharing the letter with your network
<https://twitter.com/mozilla/status/1111234602650226690>**?* Our plan is to
continue to apply pressure until we achieve meaningful transparency. This
isn’t only important for the elections happening in a few weeks in
Europe—it’s a critical step towards achieving openness and accountability
that impacts people in every corner of the world.

Thanks so much for your support-



Brandi Geurkink

European Campaigner

Mozilla Foundation


Becky Jarvis

Network Support Director | OPEN (Online Progressive Engagement Network)

M: +447779646585 | S: rebeccajjarvis

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Raquel Rennó
Researcher ID :   F-5319-2014
Profile URL:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/F-5319-2014
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