[bestbits] Fw: [Igfregionals] Fw: [IGFmaglist] World Economic Forum - Davos 2018 "Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”

Imran Ahmed Shah (via bestbits Mailing List) bestbits at lists.bestbits.net
Fri Jan 19 07:35:06 EST 2018

Dear All, 
Just to share an announcement from the MAG Chair on representing the IGF at the 2018 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, where the theme of the year is "Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”. Might be interested for you.
Best Regards
Imran Ahmed Shah

----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Anja GENGO <AGENGO at unog.ch>
 To: "igfregionals at intgovforum.org" <igfregionals at intgovforum.org> 
 Sent: Friday, 19 January 2018, 17:06
 Subject: [Igfregionals] Fw: [IGFmaglist] World Economic Forum - Davos 2018 "Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”
Dear Colleagues,
Please see below an announcement from the MAG Chair on representing the IGF at the 2018 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos.
Best regards,

-----Forwarded by Anja GENGO/UNOG/GVA/UNO on 01/19/2018 01:00PM -----To: IGF Maglist <Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>
From: "Lynn St.Amour" 
Sent by: "Igfmaglist" 
Date: 01/18/2018 08:50PM
Subject: [IGFmaglist] World Economic Forum - Davos 2018 "Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”

Dear colleagues,

I am writing to you as I/the IGF have been invited to participate in the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos.   This year the theme is: "Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”.    Note: There is a guide on how to follow/“participate” in Davos here:  https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/12/how-to-follow-davos-2018/    And, there is an ongoing stream of content on digital issues, including an interesting interactive map available through the first panel here: https://www.weforum.org/system-initiatives/shaping-the-future-of-digital-economy-and-society/articles

In 2017,  the IGF Secretariat, the CENB facilitators, some DCs, and I (as IGF MAG Chair) participated in various World Economic Forum (WEF) meetings/conference calls.   Many were connected to Access and their “Internet For All” projects, but others were connected to IoT, and Networks as Platforms, to name only a few.    WEF activities in relevant areas (where we were aware of them) were flagged to the NRIs, DCs, etc.   In addition, for several years there has been a two-way collaboration between the WEF and the IGF major policy initiative (IGF Policy Options for Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s)).   

As mentioned during previous MAG meetings,  I was also asked to Co-Chair the Stewardship Board for a WEF Initiative called “Digital Economy and Society” (DES).    This Stewardship Board is convened annually during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos.  Per the WEF this initiative provides an opportunity to develop a shared vision for a sustainable, inclusive, and trustworthy digital future and priorities for collaborative action.   In particular, the initiative seeks to align and accelerate progress around six shared global outcomes:

1.     Access & Adoption: All people (without differences in geography, gender or income) can access and use the internet
2.     Responsible Digital Transformation: Business, government and civil society leaders act responsibly and competently to usher in a sustainable digital transformation
3.     Fit for purpose, informed governance: Global, regional, national policies are informed by evidence and well-equipped to deal with the transnational nature of digital connectivity
4.     Secure & resilient people, processes & practices: All individuals, institutions and infrastructure are resilient to vulnerabilities created by increasing digital connectivity
5.     Robust, interoperable digital Identities: All people can access and use integrated, inclusive, trusted digital identity regimes that enhance their social and economic well being
6.     Benefits from data sharing while respecting privacy: Individuals and institutions can share data in ways that create social and economic value while respecting the privacy of fellow digital citizens

James Smith, President & CEO, Thomson Reuters is the other Co-Chair, and together, we will be facilitating the Stewardship Board Meeting at Davos this year.   To the extent that there are activities that are aligned and that you wish to highlight we would welcome hearing them.   

I am also moderating or speaking at various panels during Davos and will be reflecting IGF activities, value, values and principles.  Some of the sessions:
- Strategic Outlook: Digital Economy
- BroadBand Commission - Internet For All session 
- Trustworthy Data: The Foundation of Innovation

There are many common topics of interest and everyone is encouraged to share view points/submit questions, so please see the link below for social media info., etc. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/12/how-to-follow-davos-2018/

Note: I am sending this note to last years MAG (noting the 2018 MAG and MAG Chair are not yet formally constituted).  I am also asking  the secretariat to forward this note to the NRIs, DCs, CENB, etc. and to note this on the IGF website in order to get the broadest distribution possible.

Very much look forward to your contributions, 


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