[bestbits] Final list of accepted IGF workshops
Alex Comninos
alex.comninos at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 11:24:48 EDT 2018
Nonetheless, worth noting that the Human Rights, Gender, and Youth theme appears to be 22% of proposals submitted, and only 5% of the top 40 proposals. That's a pretty significant discrepancy.
@Daphne, being a human rights enthusiast, its a pity that it does diverge from the RightsCon focus on human rights, however being a multistakeholder event, and not a gathering of the digital rights community, this is to be expected to an extent.
@Farzaneh, indeed, it “has become trendy to talk about AI and Blockchain while the real policy implications of both on internet governance entail broader issues. Fancy tools - fancy programs.”
On the other hand, fancy internet governance multistakeholder discourse has dominated the IGF for quite some time. It has alienated stakeholders across non-policy tech and not-tech sectors who cannot confidently include command the discourse in these mailing lists, and keep up with all these lists (me included).
@Sylvia I do agree that one “rarely come across workshops that discuss real policy issues.” Perhaps when policy discourses and tech discourses meet half way, there are more fruitful opportunities to discuss real policy issues.
It seems at the IGF, in our haste to formulate workshops within IGF discourses, tech takes a back seat. Some concepts are not sufficiently unpacked, for example the IGF BPF on Big Data, IoT and AI has lumped so many things together and brushed them in such broad strokes I dont envisage any useful policy coming out of it.
The IGF may probably get smaller, and fizzle out, as human rights may take a back seat. A cynic may even say we stand poised at the end of the post-war human rights era even.
While we have discussed this in our own siloed discourse for twelve years, the private sector has been spinning blockchains, big data and machine learning around us building the new fabric of our cyber punk dystopia.
Perhaps its time to start considering how to infiltrate and subvert discourses, infrastructures and software stacks that the technical community, and private sector has an advantage in, and which we are losing control over.
I have seen so many corporate and state agendas trojan-horsed into internet rights and internet governance issues; its time we start considering how to do the reverse.
I have proposed many human rights workshops before, all or most have been rejected or merged. This time I was involved in proposing one on AI and it was accepted.
Another problem is that this IGF is going to be quite expensive, though not as expensive as Geneva I guess.
The IGF is in Europe again, and has a higher attendance cost than those in the developing world. Two of the panelists (Africa, Asia) are already having trouble attending.
> On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Daphne Keller <daphnek at law.stanford.edu> wrote:
> Good point (and to be clear I didn’t mean the observation as a criticism).
> On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 8:50 PM Sylvia Cadena <sylvia at apnic.net> wrote:
> To be fair, RightsCon is a conference about “human rights in the digital age", so it is only logic that most if not all their program focuses on those issues, while the IGF mandate is broader focusing on “public policy issues relating to the Internet” so its program although it might include discussion around human rights and the Internet, it will also cover other topics.
> ---------
> Sylvia Cadena | APNIC Foundation - Head of Programs | sylvia at apnic.net | http://www.apnic.foundation
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> From: "bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net" <bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net> on behalf of Daphne Keller <daphnek at law.stanford.edu>
> Reply-To: Daphne Keller <daphnek at law.stanford.edu>
> Date: Tuesday, 7 August 2018 at 6:45 am
> To: Jeremy Malcolm <jeremy at malcolm.id.au>
> Cc: Bestbits <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>
> Subject: Re: [bestbits] Final list of accepted IGF workshops
> Interesting divergence from the RightsCon calendar. It had a ton on Internet users' free expression rights and platforms, while IGF will have very little.
> On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 10:45 AM Jeremy Malcolm <jeremy at malcolm.id.au> wrote:
> The final list of IGF workshops selected for this year has just been
> posted online:
> https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-workshops-selection
> --
> Jeremy Malcolm PhD LLB (Hons) B Com
> Internet lawyer, ICT policy advocate, geek
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> Daphne Keller
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> Daphne Keller
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> On 06 Aug 2018, at 19:44, Jeremy Malcolm <jeremy at malcolm.id.au> wrote:
> The final list of IGF workshops selected for this year has just been
> posted online:
> https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-workshops-selection
> --
> Jeremy Malcolm PhD LLB (Hons) B Com
> Internet lawyer, ICT policy advocate, geek
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