[bestbits] Letter to Council of Europe: Re New Protocol Cybercrime Convention (final)

Maryant Fernández maryant.fernandez-perez at edri.org
Tue Apr 3 09:50:35 EDT 2018

Hi all,

94 public interest organisations sent a letter to the Council of Europe
Secretary General asking for transparent and inclusive cybercrime
Please find below a link to a joint blogpost & the letter, both
available in English, French and Spanish:

Thanks to all of you who signed or support this joint effort.

Best regards,

Maryant Fernández Pérez
Senior Policy Advisor
European Digital Rights
Rue Belliard 12 
B- 1040 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 274 25 70
PGP: D59A 1D3F 50CC 231B DCFE 3F2C 92FA 6F29 3D74 0B42

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Em 3/16/2018 10:15 PM, Jeremy Malcolm escreveu:
> The Council of Europe Secretary General is developing a Second
> Additional Protocol to the Cybercrime Convention, and I've been
> requested to circulate this letter to other civil society
> organizations who may be interested in endorsing a letter asking for
> meaningful civil society participation in this process. It is no
> longer open to new edits, sorry, and the deadline for signatures is 23
> March.
> You can find more information below and you can contact my colleague
> Katitza if you have questions.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> *From:* Katitza Rodriguez <katitza at eff.org <mailto:katitza at eff.org>>
>> *Date:* March 16, 2018 at 12:26:01 PM GMT-3
>> *To:* 13 Principles <principles at eff.org <mailto:principles at eff.org>>
>> *Cc:* Maryant Fernandez Perez <maryant.fernandez-perez at edri.org
>> <mailto:maryant.fernandez-perez at edri.org>>, Katitza Rodriguez
>> <katitza at eff.org <mailto:katitza at eff.org>>
>> *Subject:* *ACTION: Sign-on Letter to Council of Europe: Re New
>> Protocol Cybercrime Convention*
>> Dear all,
>> European Digital Rights (EDRi) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation
>> (EFF) have drafted a sign-on letter to the Council of Europe
>> Secretary General asking for meaningful civil society participation
>> in the development of the Cybercrime Convention’s Second Additional
>> Protocol. The protocol is currently being discussed at the Cybercrime
>> Convention Committee (T-CY), a committee that represents the State
>> Parties to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and other observer
>> states.
>> *Read the letter and sign on here: *
>> *https://fnf17.pad.foebud.org/2018coecxb-transparency*
>> *Deadline for sign-on is Friday March 23, end of the day PST.*
>> For those who are not familiar with this process, the Council’s
>> Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) has initiated a global process
>> to draft a second additional protocol to the Convention—a new text
>> which deals with cross-border access to data, including ways to
>> improve MLATs according to their Terms of Reference[1]. The work on
>> the Second Protocol to the Cybercrime Convention is ongoing, without
>> sufficient transparency nor meaningful civil society participation.
>> Join us on the letter and read more about the second additional
>> protocol to the cybercrime convention:
>> https://edri.org/crossborder-access-to-data-has-to-respect-human-rights-principles/
>> https://www.eff.org/es/deeplinks/2017/09/cybercrime-conventions-new-protocol-needs-uphold-human-rights
>> https://www.coe.int/en/web/human-rights-rule-of-law/-/new-legal-tool-on-electronic-evidence-council-of-europe-welcomes-civil-society-opinion
>> Thanks and best,
>> Maryant and Katitza
>> [1]
>> https://rm.coe.int/terms-of-reference-for-the-preparation-of-a-draft-2nd-additional-proto/168072362b

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