[bestbits] CSCG endorsements for the MAG 2018 elections - decision of selection of candidates
Imran Ahmed Shah (via bestbits Mailing List)
bestbits at lists.bestbits.net
Wed Nov 8 16:04:14 EST 2017
Dear All.
Congratulations to all CSCG endorsed Nominees. Thanks for their nominations and interest. All of selected names has excellent Profile. Wishing for you Best of Luck.
Thanks Sheetal and other CSCG Nomcom members for running the Nomination Process, all of this in a very short time and short strength, covering up initial delay to start it.
We also need to nominate second representative of BestBits to CSCG Nomcom. Please contact us, if interested.
Thank and Best Regards
Imran Ahmed Shah
[on behalf of BestBits Steering Committee]
On Thu, 9/11/17, Judith Hellerstein <judith at jhellerstein.com> wrote:
Subject: Re: [bestbits] CSCG endorsements for the MAG 2018 elections - decision of selection of candidates
To: "Renata Aquino Ribeiro" <raquino at gmail.com>
Cc: "Sheetal Kumar" <sheetal at gp-digital.org>, "bestbits at lists.bestbits.net> <" <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>
Date: Thursday, 9 November, 2017, 1:07
Thanks to the nomcom for all
their work and glad to see we have overall gender
Sent from my iPhone
Judith at jhellerstein.com
Skype ID:Judithhellerstein
> On Nov 8, 2017, at 5:52 AM, Renata Aquino
Ribeiro <raquino at gmail.com>
> Hi
> Sheetal, thanks so
much for this announcement and for the
comprehensive work done here.
> Thanks to all the candidates and NomCom
for participating in this process.
> Congratulations to those shortlisted by
CSCG, it is an amazing honor
> and a
reflection on your work as a civil society voice.
> I hope we can join
in more voices in upcoming processes.
> Best,
> Renata
>> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 7:47 AM,
Sheetal Kumar <sheetal at gp-digital.org>
>> Dear all,
>> Please find
below the results of the CSCG deliberations and endorsements
>> the civil society slots
available for the MAG 2018 renewal and which will be
>> sent for consideration to the IGF
>> I have copied below the dotted line in
full the notice from the Chair of the
>> NomCom that facilitated the process
within the CSCG.
>> Should you have any questions please
let me know.
>> Best
>> On behalf of the NomCom11 that was
tasked by the Civil Society
Coordination Group (CSCG) to receive, evaluate and select
the final
>> list of civil society
candidates to be endorsed by the CSCG, I would
>> like to thank you for seeking our
>> We received 12 nominations and all of
them were really great but our
agreed upon guidelines suggest that we only send up to 8
names for
>> consideration to the IGF
Secretariat, provided that there are only 6
>> civil society slots available for MAG
2018 renewal.
>> Please do remember that we, the CSCG
are not making the final decision
(which is to be taken by the UNDESA). Our role is to
>> candidates we feel meet the
criteria and are able to best represent
>> civil society interests on the MAG.
>> The NomCom
11 has decided to send 6 names (to be considered as our
>> main nominees), plus two other as
alternates. We are sending these two
>> further names as alternates and to
widen the pool for consideration,
with the aim of further increasing the possibility of CSCG
>> and suitable candidates
being chosen. Please find the names bellow:
>> List of
endorsed candidates:
>> 1. Rafik Dammark (Male, AFR)
>> 2. Valentina Pellizer (Female, EE)
>> 3. Jeremy Malcolm (Male, WEOG)
>> 4. Tope Ogundipe (Female, AFR)
>> 5. Kemly Camacho (Female, LAC)
>> 6. Norbert Bollow (Male, WEOG)
>> Two
additional names (as a reserve in case the UNDESA may want
to look
>> outside the first list)
>> 1.
Avis Momeni (Male, AFR)
>> 2.
Claudio Lucena (Male, LAC)
>> We would like to thank everyone for
trusting the CSCG and for
submitting your names for consideration; this shows that
civil society
>> can be strong if
The following will follow (please do read carefully):
>> - A NomCom11 will go ahead
and fill in the nomination form on your
>> behalf with the information you
>> - You will
receive an automatic email from the IGF Secretariat
>> requesting you to confirm the
nomination, please do follow the
instructions as stated in that email;
>> - The CSCG will notify the
IGF Secretariat of this process as well as
>> the outcome, sending your names as the
ones endorsed by the CSCG. This
letter will be published on our website and should circulate
in out
>> different lists.
>> Please do
let me know if you have any question.
>> Regards,
>> Arsene, NomCom 11 Chair
>> PS: The
following individuals were part of the NomCom11
>> - Parminder (JNC)
>> - Bruna Santos (IGC)
>> - Deborah Brown (APC)
>> - David Cake (NCSG)
>> - Sheetal Kumar (Best
>> --
>> Sheetal Kumar
>> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street,
London, E1 5JL
>> T: +44 (0)20 3 818
3258 0337| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |
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